
5 ideal ways to use earphones, be careful they can cause irritation at the base of the ear! : Okezone techno

JAKARTA – The use of earphones suddenly became a concern, as one of the children at Zaskia Adya Mecca felt irritation at the base of his ears due to using these devices.

As a result, the child received treatment for his ears, to quickly respond to this condition.

“Looking at the base of the ear it is irritated and hurt, it is true that the cause that worried me all this time was the earphones! Now I am being treated with ear drops and I am not allowed to use earphones” for two whole weeks. .. hmm, I don’t think it’s possible to use earphones for two weeks, doctor, I give up…”, Zaskia wrote in the caption of her Instagram upload @zaskiadyamecca, quoted on Tuesday (10/11/2023).

In reality, using earphones is not a problem, as long as the user is intelligent.

Don’t let the earphones you use cause hearing loss.

So how to use earphones correctly so that they don’t cause ear problems? Check out the review cited by HealthPartners below.

The ideal way to use earphones

1. Make sure the size fits

If your earbuds have different ear tips, make sure you choose the right size for your ears. Because if it is too large it can damage the ear canal.

2. Put it on your ear correctly

Each earphone has the letter R or L, use it depending on your right and left ear.

The letter R stands for right and L is for left. If you put it upside down it could hurt your ears.

Then, when you insert the device into your ear, tilt it up and towards the front of your head. This will help create a better fit because the ear canal faces the front and top of the head.

The ear canal may be damaged if you insert the earphones into the wrong ear. Additionally, the sound quality will likely suffer.

3. Keep your ears clean

Make sure you clean your ears regularly. Because if the ears are dirty the risk of infection is high. Also, you will not be able to hear the audio content clearly.

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4. Keep your earphones at a safe volume

Hearing loss due to earphones is 100% preventable. You just need to make sure the volume isn’t too loud.

For adults, try to keep earphone volume between 60 decibels (dB) and 85 dB. However, children’s ears are certainly more sensitive. Therefore, the maximum volume for children is less than 82 dB.

5. Take regular breaks

Don’t forget to give your ears a break from using earphones. Since bacteria and fungi like to grow in dark, damp places, removing earphones also gives the ear canal a chance to expel air, thus reducing the chance of infection.

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