
15 Excel Formulas for Subtraction and Other Calculations, Suitable for Beginners: Okezone techno

GROUP excel deductions and other calculations you can try to help process the data quickly.

Currently, Software Microsoft Excel Having a set of formulas really helps you complete different jobs, including accounting, finance, marketing, operations, and administration.

In order to use Excel easily, you need to know the formulas that are often used.

Below are Excel formulas for subtraction and other calculations cited from various sources:

1. SUM (addition formula)

The SUM formula is used to add the numbers in a particular cell. An example calculation is if you want to add the numbers in cells C2 and C4, the formula is: =SUM(C2:C5).

2. Subtraction formula

The reduction formula is very simple and uncomplicated. An example calculation is if you want to subtract the numbers in cells C2 and C4, the formula is: =C2-C4.

3. Multiplication formula

In addition to subtraction and addition, of course there is multiplication, this formula is also quite simple. The calculation example is similar to the previous examples, i.e. =C2*C4.

4. Excel division formula

Similar to the three formulas above, how to use the division formula is as follows: =C2/C4.


The COUNT formula is used to count the number of cells that contain numbers. For example, if you want to count the number of cells from C1 to F1, the formula is =COUNT(C1:F1).

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The COUNTA formula has an almost similar function to the COUNT formula. The difference is that the cells counted by COUNTA are all cells that contain data. An example calculation is that cells B1 to E1 are filled with data in the form of numbers, while cells H1 to K1 contain letter data, while F1 and G1 are empty, so the written formula is =COUNTA(B1: K1).


This formula is used to calculate the average of the numbers in a given range of cells. An example calculation is if you have entered numbers in certain cells, for example B2 to B7, the formula to calculate the average is =AVERAGE(B2:B7).

8. IF

SE is used to identify data with a certain logic, the simplest of which is “false and true” logic.

So the way to write the formula based on the data you want to identify with a certain logic is =IF(C1>D1; “TRUE”, “FALSE”).


The MAX formula is used to find the highest number in a series of data. For example, if you want to find the highest number from cells B5 to B10, the written formula is =MAX(B5:B10).


This formula has the inverse function of MAX. MIN is used to find the smallest number. The written formula is =MIN(B5:B10).

11. Finishing

Trim can be used to reorder data in a cell. This formula only applies to one cell, so if you want to reorder cell B2, you just need to write =TRIM(A2). Then the data will be automatically sorted.

12. E

This formula is a logical function somewhat similar to the IF formula. An example of its use is if you want to identify whether the contents of a cell are false or true using various numerical calculations, for example if the value in cell B1 is greater than 40 and less than 90, then the formula is written =AND ( B1>40,A1<90), then the answer will be true or false.

13. O

Using the OR formula is identical to the AND formula. It’s just that the AND formula must have two criteria, while the OR formula requires only one. Using the same example as above, write the formula =OR(B1>40,B1<90).

14. NOT

The NOT formula is used as the opposite of the OR and AND formulas. An example of its use is if you want to find out if the number in cell B1 is greater than 90, then the formula you write is =NOT(B1>90), after which the answer will be true or false depending on the data used.


The LEN formula is used to count the number of characters written in a cell. All characters will be counted, including letters, numbers and punctuation marks. The way to write this formula is =LEN(B1).


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