
104 students take part in the internship program at IKN Nusantara, what are the activities?

TIME.CO, Jakarta – A total of 104 students from various universities participate in the internship programme State capital o IKN archipelago, East Kalimantan. Plan apprenticeship was facilitated by The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) through the Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDM) through the Independent Campus programme.

“Student Internship Program Liberty Field 104 students from 27 universities attended IKN Nusantara. This activity was carried out for 4 months from September to December 2023,” BPSDM Secretary Achmad Subki said in his statement on Friday, September 1, 2023.

During their internship at IKN Nusantara, students will take part in a program that includes 12 infrastructure activities, namely flood control and main drainage, dam construction, raw water supply, application of information technology for resource management natural resources, public communication and public relations and asset management/conflict management/archiving/land use.

Furthermore, the construction of the west side of the National Axis Road, IHM Sepaku Logistics Wharf, Territory development Sub-WP 1B, Construction of Buildings and Office Areas of Coordinating Ministries, Construction of Sewage Treatment Plants (IPAL) 1, 2, 3 of National Capital Central Government Areas (KIPP IKN) and Housing Development Assistance.

While participating in the internship, students will be accompanied by 23 tutors. Before leaving, they also received supplies from BPSDM and each PUPR Ministry Organizational Unit involved in the construction of the IKN from August 21 to August 31, 2023.

The activities of the apprentice students at IKN Nusantara are part of the Merdeka Campus program implemented by the Ministry of PUPR BPSDM as a follow-up to the suggestions of professors in the field of water resources during a visit to IKN to improve the competence of human resources in the water sector. constructions so that they are competitive and competent.


Secretary General of the PUPR Ministry Zainal Fatah said that this activity was an excellent opportunity for students to become an important part of the IKN development process. “Therefore, take full advantage of this good opportunity,” he said.

According to Zainal, moving the capital to East Kalimantan not only means constructing government buildings but also represents a step forward in the nation’s transformation towards an advanced Indonesia. He explained on pThe development of the National Archipelago Science Institute carries with it the concept of Indonesia’s future smart forest city, while still paying attention to environmental aspects so that it becomes a superior representation of the nation by realizing smart city (smart city), modern and sustainable city and has international standards.

“In fact, the development of the IKN builds a new culture, a new city plan, a new capital management. Therefore, once again, make good use of this opportunity, acquire as much knowledge as possible for education,” said Zainal .

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