
10 facts about new UIN Surakarta students who have been asked to register for a loan

TIME.CO, Jakarta – Several new students (maba) of Raden Mas Said Surakarta State Islamic University (UIN) would be asked to register an account in an online loan application (online) or High during the Introduction to Academic and Student Culture (PBAK) activities 2023. The news went viral among academics and netizens on social media.

So what are the maba facts UIN Have you been asked to register for a loan in Surakarta?

1. Dema signs a memorandum of understanding without campus knowledge

IIII Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs UIN RM Said Surakarta Syamsul Bakri said the Student Council (Dema) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the sponsor to organize the Cultural Festival. Indeed, he said, Dema had no right to do so.

“Students do not have the right to have an MoU, let alone have face value. PBAK is university funded, faculties seek sponsorship NO it can be like that, prone to all sorts of things. Because the sponsor is so big, right, the data of the students who signed up,” she said.

2. Dema Claims Manager for Financial Literacy Education

Meanwhile, President of Students (Presma) Dema UIN RM Said Surakarta Ayuk Latifah said that the activities of the Cultural Festival aim at providing education on financial literacy. He denied that it was marketing and misuse of the data.

According to Ayuk, the activity also took place because it was motivated by concerns over the cases of students caught in illegal loans. She explained that Dema was working with banks and official fintech applications, although she admitted this had not been coordinated with campus.

3. 3,000 students were asked to register for a loan

Ayuk also pointed out that new students are not actually required to register an account on the loan application. She revealed that the cooperation system was in place so that Dema received financial support calculated according to the number of active student accounts. However, she admitted that Dema had not benefited from the agreement.

“There were 3,000 students who signed up, but 500 didn’t pass. Until finally, only 2,000 were registered,” Ayuk said.

4. Chancellor of UIN Surakarta: activities outside the PBAK program

UIN Chancellor RM Said Surakarta Mudhofir said that the Cultural Festival organized by Dema and Student Senate (Sema) has nothing to do with PBAK. “The Dema and Sema of UIN RM Said Surakarta took it upon themselves to raise funds and did not first report to the university leadership,” he said in a written statement on Monday, Aug. 7, 2023.

5. The Student Alliance calls for the dissolution of Dema

Following confusion over allegations that they were forced to register a loan account, the Independent Students Alliance staged a demonstration in front of UIN RM Said Surakarta rectorate building on Monday 7th August 2023. The protest aimed to demand that the rectorate dissolve Dema.


“Also, UIN should understand what usury means. It can even go up to 50 percent (interest). This is a lot of wear and tear,” said Independent Students Alliance action coordinator Kelvin Haryanto.

6. PBAK will be taken over by the university

The Student Code of Ethics Council of UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta also held a meeting and produced five recommendations which were presented to the registrar. I Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs and Institutional Development at UIN RM Said Surakarta Imam Makruf presented the first point, namely that the implementation of PBAK was taken over by the university and faculties and under the coordination of the vice rector for academic alumni and cooperation.

7. The university held a meeting with OJK

The second point is that the university is advised to meet with the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to confirm the Dema MoU and the designated financial institution. The three sponsorships include Bank Central Asia (BCA), Aladinn and Akulaku.

8. The University DEMA will be suspended

“Thirdly, the Dema is temporarily suspended until an indefinite period and the head of the Dema is removed,” the Imam said when met by the media crew at UIN RM Said Surakarta Rectorate Building on Wednesday, August 9, 2023.

9. Coordinate with influencers to restore campus name

At the next suggestion, the Imam explained that it was necessary to counter the narrative to restore the good name of the campus due to the incident where students of UIN Surakarta were asked to register for a loan. Efforts are coordinating with university public relations and influencers among students who have many social media followers.

10. The university opens a complaints service

The last point, Imam said, is that the campus will open a complaint service for UIN Surakarta students who have registered for a loan. “This is at the same time to find out how many students have registered in order to avoid misuse of data,” he said.


Editor’s Choice: New Students At UIN Surakarta Applied To Register For A Pinjol, Ethics Council Produces These 5 Recommendations

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