
1 bird species found, named after Iriana Jokowi, Myzomela Irianawidodoae

TIME.CO, Jakarta – The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) has discovered three new species of plants and wild animals in the form of bird species to control climate change and enrich biodiversity or biodiversity in Indonesia.

“It is very logical that there is a relationship between climate change and biodiversity, because sustainable forest management must also protect biodiversity,” Environment and Forestry (LHK) Minister Siti Nurbaya Bakar said in Jakarta on Monday, August 21, as quoted by Antara.

An endemic wild plant species of the genus Hanguana, native to Mount Nyiut, West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan), was discovered in 2022 by a researcher from the West Kalimantan Conservation and Natural Resources Agency (BKSDA) named Agusti Randi and officially published in July 2023 in an international magazine, with the special name Hanguana Sitinurbayai inspired by the name of the Minister of Environment and Forestry.

So, the next species just published is an orchid with the Latin name Bulbophyllum Wiratnoi which was found in Sorong Nature Tourism Park, West Papua by BKSDA Papua orchid researcher Reza Saputra.

The next species of wild bird species has actually been discovered since 2018 in Rote Island, East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), and it is called Myzomela Irianawidodoae, which was inspired by the name of First Lady Iriana Widodo who is a bird lover and should continue to support the conservation of rare birds in Indonesia.

“This is the first meeting I have attended in a relaxed and comfortable way, so there is a lot of hope for the future. There is optimism and it is very important for the conservation of flora and fauna,” said Minister Siti Nurbaya.

He explained that Indonesia is one of the countries that has the highest species diversity of birds, reptiles and freshwater biota in the world, which has extraordinary genetic potential to meet the world’s needs, such as clothing, food and cosmetics.

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Biodiversity conservation is a mitigation action

Concrete efforts have been made to protect biodiversity, he continued, compiling the Folu Net Sink 2030 document that aligns with the international goals and objectives of the Global Biodiversity Framework Agreement in Montreal, Canada. Biodiversity conservation is a mitigation action in the prevention of climate change.

“If you want to talk about an advanced and competitive Indonesia, we have to prioritize what other countries don’t have, and in Indonesia we have four flagship species in one country, namely rhinos, tigers, orangutans and elephants,” he said Minister Siti Nurbaya.

Currently, according to him, there are already 6,000 villages under conservation areas that have been embraced by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry as a partner to help protect biodiversity.

“Proper articulation of policies is required to involve the community, so there is a process that is developing, for example based on a presidential instruction. Now we are no longer allowed to call communities around forests storage as squatters or squatters, we have to involve them,” he said.

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